About our school

Sydney Secondary College, with campuses at Balmain, Leichhardt and Blackwattle Bay, is an innovative multi-campus public education facility. The college caters for all learners with an academically selective stream, comprehensive stream and support classes for students with disabilities.( Intellectual, Physical and Autism).
The diversity of students from a multiplicity of national and religious backgrounds creates the opportunity for real life learning and authentic experiences.
Located in the inner city, with two harbour side locations, students complete Year 7 - 10 educations at Balmain or Leichhardt where the focus is on middle schooling. They move to the Blackwattle Bay campus for Years 11 - 12 with its broad curriculum and links to TAFE and universities.
As the focus of the NSW Government's Building the Future program, Balmain, Leichhardt and Blackwattle Bay campuses have undergone an $18 million building refurbishment to become one of he state's newest and most progressive public secondary education facilities.
The new Sydney Secondary College offers an invigorating range of opportunities not previously available in a public secondary college environment.
The 7 - 10 campuses
Balmain and Leichhardt
These campuses specialise in middle school education. They feature academically selective, enrichment and comprehensive streaming options. Students will experience a language and multi-cultural specialisation at Leichhardt Campus while Balmain Campus specialises in the creative arts. A modern and stimulating learning environment has been created with the complete refurbishment of each campus.
Elective subjects
Students choose from French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, a variety of Computer Courses, Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Photography, Ceramics, Dance, Drama, Textiles and Design, Visual Arts, Music, Food Technology, Industrial Technology: Wood and Metal, Physical Education, Aboriginal Studies, Work Education, Technical Drawing, Commerce, and Life Skills courses.
College co-curricular
A supportive and enthusiastic student cohort involves themselves in many co-curricular activities including Debating, Peer Mentoring, camps for each year, SRC, Drama Club, Art Club, Writers Club, Music Ensembles, Photography club, The Global Village, The Melting Pot, Australian Language Certificates, visits by international students, two Concert Bands, Duke of Edinburgh, Student Newspaper, Overseas Students club, Tournament of the Minds, Mathematics, Breakfast club, Homework centre; Science, English, and Geography Competitions, and Reptile Club.
The College offers grade competition with other schools and recreational sport in summer and winter seasons. Among sports available are Athletics, Swimming, Cross Country, Hockey, Touch Football, Rugby Union, Rugby League, and Badminton, Wheelchair sports, riding for the Disabled, Netball, Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball, Dance, Cricket, Cycling, Table Tennis, Fencing, Weight Training, Gymnastics, Kayaking, Ice Skating and Basketball. The College enjoys considerable success in State knockout competition.
Technology facilities
Sydney Secondary College has fully equipped and networked computer labs in each campus and access for students in libraries, learning centres and classrooms.
Student welfare
Our welfare system recognises and rewards student achievements and contributions. It provides support structures which progressively assist students in developing responsibility for self-discipline. We raise student and staff esteem by developing Quality teaching and professional consistency. Specialist Head Teachers ensure that supportive welfare and learning teams, mentoring programs and counselors provide specialist support for all students.