Our school can help with enrolment queries throughout the year.
Sydney Secondary College enrols students in Years 7-10 at the Balmain and Leichhardt Campuses, and in Years 11-12 at the Blackwattle Bay Campus. There are places for local students, academically selective students, mainstream non-local students and special education (physically disabled and intellectually disabled) students. In addition to the general principles outlined below, there are particular criteria for enrolment in the Selective, Comprehensive (Academic and Creative Enrichment classes) and Special Education streams and specialist programs (Talented Athlete Program).
Students from government primary schools will usually enrol in Year 7 at Balmain or Leichhardt using the High School Enrolment Application issued to Year 6 students in March.

Local enrolment area
Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. School Finder shows our local enrolment area. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.
Students living within our designated intake area are entitled to enrol in the mainstream. The boundaries of our intake area are determined by the Department of Education and Training and cover parts of CBD of Sydney, Glebe, Ultimo, Lilyfield, Rozelle, Balmain, Birchgrove, Forest Lodge and Drummoyne.
Contact Port Jackson Area Office on 02 9582 5800 for more details or on the campus of your choice.
How to enrol
During the enrolment process, let the principal know of any special circumstances, allergies, health or medical conditions affecting your child.
For more information visit high school enrolment or contact us to discuss your child's enrolment.
Download an application to enrol.
Application forms must be completed in English. However a translated application to enrol may help you to fill out the form in English.
Part time enrolment
Students are generally enrolled in Sydney Secondary College on a full-time basis. Part-time enrolment, however, is possible for:
- students in Years 11 and 12 who choose the HSC Pathway option to accumulate units towards their HSC over several years
- students who undertake some of their studies external to the school
- students with disabilities involved in post-school options
- mature age students re-entering the school system
- students with medical conditions enrolling in distance education.
Students seeking to enrol part-time should consult the Principal of the campus concerned.
Refusal of enrolment
Principals may refuse enrolment of a student on the grounds of previously documented violent behaviour if there is evidence that the student has not learned the appropriate skills to manage this behaviour.
Year 10 Enrolments after Term 2 will be processed on an individual basis. If students wish to enrol at Blackwattle Bay Campus for year 11, they are to proceed directly to that Campus and apply for enrolment.
Enrolment with students with disabilities
Sydney Secondary College provides a range of services and resources to support the education of students with disabilities. These include:
- support and mainstream classes at Balmain Campus for Years 7-10 and at Blackwattle Bay Campus for Years 11-12
- Support unit at Balmain campus
Temporary visas and international students
For information about eligibility and forms to complete, visit the temporary residents program.
All international students related enquiries should be directed to 1300 300 229.
CRICOS Provider Name: NSW Department of Education
CRICOS Provider Code:00588M
Enrolment of non-Australian citizens
Non-Australian students entering Australia must hold a valid visa and are subject to the specific travel, entry and residency conditions set out on the Department of Immigration and Mulitcultural and Indigenous affairs website. Sydney Secondary College operates a program for international full fee paying students. Enrolment must be arranged through:
International Students Centre
PO Box 707
(827-839 George Street)
Broadway NSW 2007
Phone: (+61 2) 9217 4801 or 1300 302 456 (in Australia)
Fax: (+61 2) 9217 4060 or (+61 2) 9212 6721
Email: isc@det.nsw.edu.au
Non-local enrolments
As outlined in the department’s enrolment policy, our school may accept enrolments from outside our local enrolment area if places are available.
Exchange students
Exchange students on student visas can enrol at Sydney Secondary College for a period of one to twelve months. Their enrolment is arranged with the Principal by the exchange organisation prior to their arrival. Enrolment is at the discretion of the Principal.