What is BYOD?
"Bring your own device" (BYOD) is an organisational model for the provision of technology in schools whereby students bring a personally owned and managed device to school for the purpose of learning. A personally owned device is any technology device brought into the school and owned by a student (or the student's family). BYOD is a solution where students bring their own device to school in order to have access to learning software and the internet via the school Wi-Fi network.
BYOD Student Responsibilities
Operating System and anti-virus: Students must ensure they have a legal and licensed version of a supported operating system and of software. Students must ensure that updates are installed regularly and remain current. Android OS is not proxy friendly and few apps work within a proxy environment.
NSW Department of Education Wi-Fi network connection only: Student devices are only permitted to connect to the department’s Wi-Fi network while at school. There is no cost for this service.
Battery life and charging: Students must ensure they bring their device to school fully charged for the entire school day. No charging equipment will be supplied by the school.
Theft and damage: Students are responsible for securing and protecting their devices at school. Any loss or damage to a device is not the responsibility of the school or the Department. It is recommended that the device is labelled with name and contact details.
Confiscation: Students' devices may be confiscated if the school has reasonable grounds to suspect that a device contains data which breaches the BYOD Student Agreement or the NSW DoE terms and conditions for internet access at school.
Maintenance and support: Students are solely responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their devices.
Data back-up: Students are responsible for backing-up their own data and should ensure this is done regularly. NSW DoE provides students with access to Google and Microsoft 365 cloud storage.
Insurance/warranty: Students and their parents are responsible for arranging for insurance and should be aware of the warranty conditions.
NSW DoE software for students
All NSW Department of Education school students are eligible for free download and licence of Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office software as part of the Enterprise Agreement. Students are also provided access to Microsoft 365 and G Suite (Google Apps for Education). Students are provided with a username and password which gives them access to their school email account and the link to all other tools for learning from the Student Portal at https://student.det.nsw.edu.au
It is widely acknowledged that technology plays a huge role in students' everyday lives and should, therefore, be an integral part of their learning. BYOD recognises that many students already own devices that are superior and more up-to-date than those available in schools.
SSC Balmain has phased in the implementation of a BYOD solution and, with the support of the P&C, has now adopted a BYOD model across Years 7-10. Students are allowed to use their own devices while at school for educational purposes.
Access to the internet will be provided by the wireless network. The school retains the right to control the manner in which computer resources are utilised. Students must understand the limitations imposed on their use of computer resources whilst at school. Students wishing to use computers/BYOD devices while at SSC Balmain Campus are required to read and agree to abide by the guidelines in the BYOD student agreement which will be provided.
Suitable Device
SSC Balmain does not endorse smart phones as a suitable singular device for use in the classroom.
Laptops, MacBook’s and Tablets are generally considered more suitable devices for learning as they provide better capabilities and flexibility than mobile phones. Students should consider the rigor of their current stage related course/s when selecting a BYOD device. Chromebooks can be used but Chromebooks may not be compatible with all programs and software that are currently being used in Year 7-10 curriculum as they are more limited and restricted in capability.
As parents, you are concerned about your child keeping his/her device safe. In a BYOD environment, devices are out in the open, so students are more aware of their devices. Typically, we see few thefts and lost devices.
Ultimately, though, students are responsible for lost, stolen and/or damaged personal electronic devices, just as they are for any other personal items they bring to school. Please ensure all items are labelled with the name of your child.
Students are living and working in a world where people use their devices regularly. They need to learn to use technology safely, effectively, ethically and respectfully. The SSC Balmain Positive Behaviour for Learning Policy expects students to embrace the responsible use of personal devices in keeping with school expectations and NSW Department of Education digital citizenship guidelines.