Sydney Secondary College Balmain Campus

Quality, Opportunity, Diversity

Telephone02 9810 0471

Learning remotely

We're keeping students learning both in and out of the classroom.

Explore the department's Learning remotely resources to support both online and offline learning for all students.

In the event of a short return to remote learning, please refer to the information below for instructions on learning from home. If we are required at any time to return to remote learning parents and students will be notified by email.

Remote Learning


Below is an infographic which communicates some of the key aspects of online learning at Balmain Campus. 

Google Classroom

Classes will be using Google Classroom for most lesson delivery. Click to access the "Logging onto Google Classroom guide" for support in accessing this program. The teacher will use the post/chat function to interact with the class, ask and answer questions.

The Google Classroom codes for each class will be available be clicking on the button to the right, for the appropriate year group. 

These will be updated shortly.

Zoom sessions

At times, Zoom will be used to support the activities provided in Google Classroom. Not every class will have a Zoom meeting. Zoom might be used if there are new/difficult concepts that require a lot of explanation, or if a student is having trouble with something and they need to have a discussion. We are mindful that students may become overwhelmed if they are required to do Zoom sessions all day everyday. The teacher will post the link to the Zoom in the Google Classroom if they are using them. 

Roll marking

Teachers will ask a question at the beginning of the lesson, that is then used to mark the roll. Students need to answer any questions that are posted in Google Classroom so that the teacher knows they are present. 

Google Classroom codes


Behaviour Expectations

Like learning in a classroom, we still have high expectations of students when we are working online. Our PBL values of "Respecting others and the community", "Acting responsibly" and "Participating productively in learning"  have been expanded below to explain what our expectations are when we are working remotely.

Online Learning Bell Times


Our wellbeing staff are still able to help you throughout this time. Year Advisers will use the Google Classrooms for your year group to communicate information and to answer questions you might have. You can also contact your Year Adviser by leaving a message with the front office. Our Head Teacher Wellbeing, Girls, Boys and LGBTQI+ Advisers and the School Counsellors are also able to provide support. If you need to speak to a School Counsellor, please leave a message at the front office.

Year Meetings

During Wellbeing Wednesday in Week 1, Year Advisers will host a virtual Year Meeting. This will be a way for Year Advisers to provide some information about online learning and wellbeing supports, and for students to check in and ask any questions they may have. Your Wellbeing Wednesday teachers will also be virtually present. The Year Meeting will occur on Wednesday period 2, in the year groups Google Classrooms. Your Year Adviser will direct your to resources each week on our Wellbeing Wednesday website.

Wellbeing resources

If you are looking for resources to support you during this time, please explore the College Wellbeing Way website. This site provides resources about mindfulness and relaxation, health and exercise, e-safety, etc.

It may also be useful to make contact with some external organisations during this time, such as those listed below.

Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 – 

Headspace – 1800 650 890 – 

Get Active Time

On Tuesday at 12.45pm we would normally have a range of Sport activities. During Online Learning this time will be dedicated to Get Active Time. Mr Blaydon, our Sports Co-ordinator will post different fitness videos that students can participate in. Mr Baydon will create some basic fitness circuits to complete either in your backyard/loungeroom or local park during sport time.


Extra curricular activities online

Some of our extracurricular activities will still be operating throughout remote online learning. Check Sentral nortifications for the Google Classroom codes for:


- Mock Trial

- Mock Mediation

- Art Klub Klassroom

- French Club

- Dance Ensemble

- Girls STEM Club

- Sustainability Club

Learning remotely without technology

We understand some students do not have access to a device or internet for online learning. Contact the school to discuss non-digital learning from home options for your child.