Sydney Secondary College Balmain Campus is a vibrant middle school with selective, enrichment, comprehensive and special education streams. Balmain Campus provides opportunities for our students to thrive in academic, sporting, cultural and artistic endeavours, though a broad, engaging curriculum and a multitude of extracurricular activities including a College Instrumental Music Program which has 10 ensembles.
At Balmain Campus we are proud of our diversity and inclusiveness. Our high potential and gifted students are provided opportunities for extension and acceleration including an accelerated HSC program. Our Talented Athlete Program caters to the needs of students gifted in physical movement in a range of fields and our Support Unit includes three classes dedicated to an inclusive educational experience for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
In addition to the selective classes (these students are selected via the Department of Education Selective Schools Entry exam), Balmain’s Academic Enrichment and Creative Enrichment classes provide our local students with an engaging curriculum designed to harness their academic and creative potential.
As part of Sydney Secondary College, our highly skilled and dedicated staff have opportunities to teach across campuses – Leichhardt (7-10) and Blackwattle Bay (11-12). The three campus principals work closely together to ensure effective collegiate decision making and outstanding transition practices.

Parents at this school are our partners in education. The P&C motto "It takes a community to raise a child" demonstrates our deeply held belief in this partnership. Fundraising, environmental improvement, uniform, financial planning, school promotion all verify the parent community’s commitment to the school.
I invite you to learn more about our school through this website.
Mark Corbett