Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.

Science is a mandatory course that to be studied substantially in each of Years 7–10 with at least 400 hours to be completed by the end of Year 10.
Course description
Science develops students' knowledge, understanding and skills in making sense of and explaining the biological, physical and technological world, enabling them to make informed choices and responsible decisions as individuals and as part of the community.
What will students learn about?
Through their study of science, students develop knowledge and understanding about the living and non-living world. Students examine the historical and continuing contributions of scientists and the implications of scientific research for scientific knowledge, society, technology and the environment.
What will students learn to do?
Students work individually and in teams in planning and conducting investigations. They evaluate issues and problems, identify questions for inquiry and draw evidenced-based conclusions from their investigations. Through this problem-solving process they develop their critical thinking skills and creativity. They gain experience in making informed decisions about the environment, the natural and technological world and in communicating their understanding and viewpoints.
Course requirements
Practical experiences which emphasise hands-on activities will occupy a substantial amount of course time. All students will be required to undertake at least one research project during each of Stage 4 and Stage 5. At least one project will involve ‘hands-on' practical investigation. At least one Stage 5 project will be an individual task.
Recod of School Achievement
Satisfactory completion of the mandatory study of Science during Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) will be recorded with a grade on the student's Record of School Achievement Part A.
(From Information for Parents and the Community about the Mandatory Courses in Years 7–10, Board of Studies NSW).
Science at Balmain
The Science Department at Sydney Secondary College Balmain Campus aims to broaden the horizons of all Science students by introducing as many new and varied experiences as possible. This year students will be involved in activities such as excursions, school visits and National Science Week Activities.
The study of Science in Years 7 - 10 is mandatory and provides the necessary foundation for the development of knowledge and understanding, skills and values and attitudes for everyday life experiences as well as the Science courses offered in years 11 and 12.
The study of Science in Stages 4 and 5 is based on the traditional subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences.
The objectives of the Science Stages 4 – 5 syllabus is to develop students' scientific knowledge and understanding of:
- the history of science
- the nature and practice of science
- implications for society and the environment
- applications and uses of science
- current issues, research and development.
The Junior Science Syllabus also involves the development of skills through practical experiences such as:
- laboratory experiments
- planning and conducting investigations
- fieldwork
- research
- problem – solving techniques
In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different science disciplines, including:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Science
- Investigating Science
- Physics.
In Year 12, students who are studying at least one other science subject may also choose to study Science Extension.