Please find important information regarding leave forms, assessment books and change request forms.
Extended leave
For travel applications, the attached forms are to be completed and returned to school principal. Separate applications are to be completed for each school if siblings do not attend the same school.
Assessment schedules
Assessment Schedules for each year group are attached below. For more information please contact the relevant Head Teachers.
HSC Accelerated Program Assessment Booklet 2024 - HAP Business Studies only for Balmain students in 2024.
Subject and class changes
Please note that all subject changes are dependent on available placements and are at the discretion of the Welfare team, Deputy Principal and Principal. Students must collect and return completed forms to the Deputy Principal.
Elective changes are only able to be made for Year 9 and Year 10 100 Hour Electives in the two week window post student Voice and Choice lessons in Term 4 the year before commencement.
Careers Website
Click the link to explore our Careers Website. If you have any questions about Careers or Work Experience see Mr Arvidson.